Monday, November 9, 2009

Footprints In The Sand {Preview}

Footprints in the Sand

This is a trailer for my new series Footprints in the Sand. I know some of you are thinking what about the Public Enemies. Well, dont worry about that series because I am going to do the next episode soon. But I am going to work on this series more because I have a good feeling about this series. Now I know you are thinking go to the trailer. Well, Im not making a trailer. I am just going to give you a short preview of the first episode. I was too lazy to make trailer sorry guys. OH I might be having an intro contest for this series. Anyways, if I do please enter it because it will be my second contest and I really want to see how creative you guys can be. Now lets get to that preview shall we? OH and a little heads up they are going to have different names.


Michaels [Nick Jonas] POV

I remember everything that happened on that hard, hard night. It feels like it keeps happening to me over and over. I cant seem to get my mind off the subject of her leaving me FORVER. Yeah I remember it so clearly. It was March 29th and I was in Selenas hospital room. You see she had cancer and the doctors gave her a short time to live. I left the room for one second to get water and when I come back I see the love of my life lifeless. It tore my heart to pieces to never talk or kiss her again. I still feel her lips and hear her voice everywhere I go. I just wish she was still here. But I do remember what she told me one day. When I leave this earth and I can never see your loving face again, go to the beach and my Footprints Will Be in the Sand for you to remember me by.

Hope you like it! I have a good feeling about this series. Tell me your thoughts and tell me if I should make this! Thanks for watching.or should I say reading since its in the descp. Box. Ha-ha

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