Friday, February 12, 2010

A fun video to edit/remix! :)

At the first convention of the right-wing Tea Party movement this weekend, Sarah Palin called for "revolution," and a documentary about the movement's rising has recently been released. The trailer for "Tea Party" allowed conservatives, who are hosting viewing parties across the nation, to relive the first year of the movement.

But meanwhile, Tea Party Prankster Robert Erickson, whose speech after infiltrating last November's Tea Party Against Amnesty in St. Paul drew national attention,

has now released a trailer of his own.

CBS refused to air the ad based on the trailer during Sunday's Super Bowl, and so Twin Cities Indymedia has posted the ad online.

The original Tea Party trailer was too good to pass up on, so I used it as an opportunity to parody the outrageous rhetoric of the right-wing. "We call on all people of conscience to take a stand against the dehumanizing tactics perpetrated by real criminals like Joe Arpaio and ICE", explained Robert Erickson.

Watch the original Tea Party Trailer here:

Erickson is organizing a Back to Europe movement planned for the spring. Along with the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action coalition (MIRAc), he is hoping to inspire a national day of action at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) centers across the country, an event they have some experience in.

Last November in Bloomington, MN, Erickson, along with dozens of companions and supporters, turned themselves in for self-deportation in orange jumpsuits.

They called out the hypocrisy of ICE, which routinely deports immigrants of color while allowing European immigrants to live free. ICE declined to carry out the attempted self-deportation.

Even though the Super Bowl wouldn't air my ad, 9 out of 10 patriots agree it's must see!" Erickson said. "Let's melt ICE this spring!"

-Directed by Robert Erickson

-Edited by Dan Feidt

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